2 Party Grand Pendragon Campaign

Inspired by Gregs blog (http://tuesnightpendragon.blogspot.com/) the aim of this blog is to chronicle the Stockport games club run through of the Grand Pendragon Campaign, using the 5th edition King Arthur Pendragon rules (both written by Greg Stafford), pretty much vanilla with the added challenge of there being two groups of players, a group from Salisbury (Under Earl Roderick initially) as usual and another of Silchester knights (Under Duke Ulfius).

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Friday, October 13, 2006

484 Sir Elad (NPC - Salisbury)

A momentous year for the squires I have been helping to train!
It all started on a fine October day at Vogan castle, the leaves on the trees only just starting to turn.
I had heard that the peasants in West Acre were complaining of a man-eating bear! Phufft well I couldn't be bothered with dealing their petty complaints (or more likely excuses for not working their Lord's Portion) for one thing I was meeting that saucy little strumpet from the kitchens latter.
Anyway I thought it would be useful experience for my young charges to carry out a hunt on their own (I spun them some yarn about me being so terribly, terribly aged that I couldn't possibly come along, lies of course I've still not lost it, as that maid discovered to her pleasure later on), but first a quick brush up on their skills.
The quintain was no challenge for them with the exception of squire Dafyd who received a nasty whack on the head, he stayed on his horse and tried to maintain his dignity but for those of use that remembered the prowess of his late father Sir Bryn it was still embarrassing.
After a quick horse race were Sir Bryn recovered some of his pride by winning I sent them on their way to West Acre.
Well it seems the squires not only caught and killed the bear (well a bear) but also happened upon a group of bandits, the squires showed great prowess in defeating the scoundrels , especially I heard Sir Gorvannon who struck a mighty blow (unfortunately all the bandits succumbed to their wounds so they could not be further questioned).
On their return I sent them to Earl Roderick to tell their tale, I wasn't there and I didn't travel with them to King Uthers court that winter (the old fogey act doing stirling service again) but I understand they were knighted for their efforts.


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