2 Party Grand Pendragon Campaign

Inspired by Gregs blog (http://tuesnightpendragon.blogspot.com/) the aim of this blog is to chronicle the Stockport games club run through of the Grand Pendragon Campaign, using the 5th edition King Arthur Pendragon rules (both written by Greg Stafford), pretty much vanilla with the added challenge of there being two groups of players, a group from Salisbury (Under Earl Roderick initially) as usual and another of Silchester knights (Under Duke Ulfius).

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Bannerety of Netheravon, c. 486

By virtue of his marriage to the Lady Adwen, Sir Benesek received by her dowry the title to six manors situated along the River Avon, the former fief of Sir Bles. This made Sir Benesek a banneret knight, with a fief of a total population of around 5,000 (12 POP). Half its villeins and townsfolk live in demesne lands, and half among enfeoffed manors.

The bannerety is centred on the medium town of Netheravon (4 POP), which provides Sir Benesek his manorial seat and his sole defensive work: a motte-and-bailey castle (DV 5/3). The seat lies close to where the old track of the Salisbury Main crosses the River Avon. The neighbouring small town of Figheldean (1 POP) accounts for the other demesne settlement on the river. The lord's hydes and hyrds stretch either side of Avon, and up into Figheldean Forest (a local stretch of the Chute Forest) beyond.

Cholderton (1 POP), the small town that was the former seat of Sir Benesek as a vassal knight, lies less than ten miles to the east, under the shadow of Beacon Hill. Its wooded lands flank the River Bourne, and the overgrown delves of "Devil's Ditch" provide a border with the manors to the north. All told, in an average year the demesne lands bring in some £32 per annum in food (including the Lord's Portion from his hydes and hyrds) and £26 in goods, rights (many derived from forestry) and court fees.

The banneret's vassals hold enfeoffed manors both up- and downriver of Netheravon. Sir Arranz de Milston (Loyalty 11) is the most powerful, holding sizeable lands around said small town (3 POP in total); understandably the lord requests of him £1 in coin every year. The others, Sir Elowen d'Alton (Loyalty 14), Sir Perran of Fittleton (Loyalty 11) and Sir Jago of Haxton (Loyalty 13), each possess 1 POP manors.

With the recent accession of Sir Benesek to the bannerety, much is in flux; but at present the lord retains two household knights and around two-dozen soldiers. The years 485 and 486 saw excellent harvests, and the State of the Land is 14. Current Loyalties: Liege 14, Entourage 15, Soldiers 11, Peasants 12, Church 8.


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