2 Party Grand Pendragon Campaign

Inspired by Gregs blog (http://tuesnightpendragon.blogspot.com/) the aim of this blog is to chronicle the Stockport games club run through of the Grand Pendragon Campaign, using the 5th edition King Arthur Pendragon rules (both written by Greg Stafford), pretty much vanilla with the added challenge of there being two groups of players, a group from Salisbury (Under Earl Roderick initially) as usual and another of Silchester knights (Under Duke Ulfius).

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Chapel to Saint Silvester begun (486)

In due worship of our Lord God and service to the Holy Church of these Isles, this day of Yule has Sir Benesek laid the foundation stone of a new chapel to be built in the township of Netheravon, in the County of Salisbury, and consecrated to the ever glorious veneration of St Silvester.

Writ on the Feast of St Silvester, on the thirty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord 486.


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