2 Party Grand Pendragon Campaign

Inspired by Gregs blog (http://tuesnightpendragon.blogspot.com/) the aim of this blog is to chronicle the Stockport games club run through of the Grand Pendragon Campaign, using the 5th edition King Arthur Pendragon rules (both written by Greg Stafford), pretty much vanilla with the added challenge of there being two groups of players, a group from Salisbury (Under Earl Roderick initially) as usual and another of Silchester knights (Under Duke Ulfius).

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

488 Praetor Syagrius (NPC) - After the Sack of Civitas Baiocassium [Bayeaux]

Prince Madoc truly is a bastard, both legally and personally!
I had received word that the cymric army had successfully breached the gates of the city (apparently largely due to the efforts of Sir Gilbert and Sir Evan, even the injured Sir Perivale played a part) so although still recovering from my wounds I immediately went to congratulate Madoc and to finalise our plans to combine his forces with mine at Rouen to crush the Frankish army.
Imagine my shock then when, whilst in the middle of congratulating his success, he cut me short a informed me, in front of both knights of Logres and Soissions that he would not be upholding the promises made to me by his father and would be leaving to return to Britain with his army simply saying "I am not my Father".
As long as men live Prince Madoc will be sysnominous with the lowest and most conniving worm that crawls through the dirt! No matter I will ride with my army to meet the Franks and I will be victorious with or without the "help" of the British!!


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