2 Party Grand Pendragon Campaign

Inspired by Gregs blog (http://tuesnightpendragon.blogspot.com/) the aim of this blog is to chronicle the Stockport games club run through of the Grand Pendragon Campaign, using the 5th edition King Arthur Pendragon rules (both written by Greg Stafford), pretty much vanilla with the added challenge of there being two groups of players, a group from Salisbury (Under Earl Roderick initially) as usual and another of Silchester knights (Under Duke Ulfius).

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

487 Lady Indeg (NPC - Salisbury)

What a year! I quite surprised myself with how spontaneous I could be, I always felt young at heart but it seemed I was more like a slip of a girl of 25 rather than 45.
It was at the delightful Feast of St. Valentine held by Sir Benesek and his beauty of a wife Lady Adwen. After the death of Sir Dafydd at the hands of a cruel giant I was in no mood for love, I swore I was cursed after outliving two husbands and now this but my ladies-in-waiting were obviously so keen to attend that I could not deny them.
Thus I was seated between to Sir Evan the cousin of the brave Sir Dafydd and Sir Dalan a knight from Silchester whom I had not had the pleasure of meeting before.
Whilst Sir Evan was a pleasant enough knight (I'm sure given time I could have fallen for him as I was starting to for Sir Dafydd) but it was the brave Sir Dalan (he explained how he too had been recently widowed) combined with the delightful wine served by our hosts and the mood of love all around overcame my melancholy and I was sweeped off my feet [OCC:Sir Dalan Criticaled his flirting roll] and he and I were married on the morrow (along with a number of other guests it seems).


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