490 Prince Madoc ap Uther, Prince of Logres (NPC), After the Battle of Lindsey
It was after the Battle of Lindsey at which we mightily smote the Wotanic forces of King Octa that I was leading a raid into the heart of the Saxon north. Accompanying me on this mission was some of the Heros of Lindsey, notably the giant of a man Sir Gorrvanon, Sir Dalan, Sir Evan and other famous knights including Sir Gwynn ap Llewedd.
Whilst discussing the plan of advance Sir Gorrvanon suggested that I was less that qualified to lead the raid and should instead cede leadership to him a lowly bannerette, well I was not going to stand for such an insult, however he had served my Father well and although I know Earl Roderick refuses to leave his wife in the same room with him after a suggestion made on Chrismas Feast, I felt that he should be given the chance to prove himself and so trusted him scouting ahead of the column. Meanwhile I sought the council of his companions on the best route as they had proved themselves wise and true.
Well my trust was sorely misplaced, a few days into the march he completely missed an ambush during which the brave Sir Gwynn, defending my holy person, was almost laid low by a Saxon bearing the design of the Black Boar, who having defeated in single combat I allowed to return to his people to tell of the fates of his companions in the ambush.
Finally we reached the Saxon "town" without further incident and after a short skirmish proceeded to pillage it and much plunder did we capture.
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